I was not one of the first ten, hundred or even thousand to play Heavenly Sword so I was thrilled with all the hype surrounding it. I mean it was being talked about from all angles. Great graphics, great voice-acting, great story, a hollywood movie dead-cert....blah, blah, bloody blah. So I decided to try it out and see if one must believe this hype.
The most important part of any game. With all the publicity Heavenly Sword was getting, gameplay needed to be spot on. To an extent it was. I mean, don't get me wrong - It has every element the average hack 'n slash game would and then some. You can upgrade your fighting skills, use three different stances when fighting for three very different arrays of moves(Speed, Strength and somewhere in-between both for a combination of both but with slightly less of both). But, when you're up against as many enemies as you will wind up being put up against, sometimes you'll find yourself button-mashing, a habit that I vehemently abhor and yet could not help indulging in. It's fun, but half the time I don't know what I'm doing and I don't like that. Camera angles are a bit annoying as they get in the way of my taking arrow shots and throwing stuff. Don't believe me, try shooting at enemies chasing you and see how much fun it is - especially since shooting arrows requires using the sixaxis controller's motion sensors.
Now this was one of Heavenly Swords's big selling points. The game took on this dreamy look to match the fantasy world it was created in and it works. All the characters have amazingly realistic facial expressions and the voice acting realy brought them to life. You wind up actually caring about how Nariko ends up and feel sorry for her because of her plight and inevitable end. The landscapes and backdrops all are pure works of art and every move in the game is exquisitely animated.
Like I said, this game has movie written all over it. You can count on the movie being released within the next ten years. We all know game-movies suck ass, but they never stop trying because we still watch them regardless. Basically, Nariko was a curse from the moment she was born because she was supposed to be a boy but wasn't and her mother died at her birth. Her people's lives and freedom are in jeopardy due to the megalomanic King Bohan and his croonies. To save her peeps, Nariko takes the Heavenly Sword (a magic blade which absorbs the life force of all who wield it but also gives them great power) which her father was supposed to be protecting. She then sets out on a mission to free her people. Like I said, good story.
Heavenly Sword is a classic hack and slash game with some fresh additions to the system. It is a welcome addition to a tired game genre. My one problem with the game is how short it is. Seriously, talented gamers would finish this in the time it takes to watch a (long) movie. If you think you are that good, then by all means rent the game. Otherwise, it is a great buy and you'll have lots of fun with it.
Deep and lively lead characters
Intense gameplay
Engrossing story
Shallow bosses
WAY too short
Might resort to button-mashing if care's not taken
Camera angles a bit dodgy in some parts
Gameplay - 8
Graphics - 9
Plot - 9
Presentation - 10
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